Anglais 6e

Enseignant en primaire ?
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Ch. 0
Prologue: Can you spell... B-E-E?
Thème 1 : Me, myself and I
Ch. 1
School again!
Ch. 2
Talent show!
Ch. 3
Amusement park!
Thème 2 : Across the United Kingdom
Ch. 4
Sport rocks!
Ch. 5
Haunted homes
Ch. 6
Getting around London!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 7
I, robot!
Ch. 8
George the Dragon Slayer?
Cultural spots
Mission 2

Unravelling the mystery

Écrire et réagir à l'écrit : j'écris pour raconter et décrire.

Workbook p. 123
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Did you know?

Titanic is a 1997 blockbuster movie which is based on facts, but includes fictional elements. Jack and Rose, played by Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet, never existed. The film won 11 Oscars! Do you know any famous lines from the script?
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Learning more

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Learning more

1.  Describe the photograph. How are these people related to each other?
Maybe / We can suppose that / In my opinion / I think / I agree with / I dont agree...
2.  Listen and find out who the mystery passenger is.
Group work
Complete a mindmap with the keywords.

4.  the people on the .
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Memories from the past

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Placeholder pour Memories of Frank GoldsmithMemories of Frank Goldsmith
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Frank Goldsmith

Date of birth: December 19, 1902
Date of death: January 27, 1982
Nationality: English
Subsequent job: photographer
Reason he was on the Titanic: immigration to the USA
Class on the Titanic: 3rd
Family: one brother / father died on the Titanic
Got married: in 1926

Memories from the past

Eva Hart

Date of birth: January 31, 1905
Date of death: February 14, 1996
Nationality: English
Subsequent jobs: singer and magistrate
Reason she was on the Titanic: immigration to Canada
Class on the Titanic: 2nd
Family: only child / father died on the Titanic

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1.  Look and describe what you can see. Compare the people.
Group work
Listen and describe the characters' families. Use the genitive.
3.  Now write the short biographies of two survivors.
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Story of a life

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Placeholder pour Margaret BrownMargaret Brown
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Margaret Brown

Margaret Brown

Margaret Tobin Brown was born on July 18 1867 in Missouri. She was the daughter of John and Johanna Tobin. She had two brothers, Daniel and William, and one sister, Helen. At 18, she met James Brown, and married in 1886. They had two children, Lawrence and Catherine and separated in 1909. In 1912, Margaret traveled to Egypt and Europe. On April 10 1912 she boarded on the Titanic and survived. During her life she fought for the rights of workers and women. Margaret died on October 26 1932.
Adapted from Wikipedia.

1.  Read the . Then, say what it is about. Give three or four key dates.
2.  Read again and a timeline of Margaret's life.
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3.  Draw and describe Margaret's family tree.
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Pronounce /i:/, /ɪ/ and /aɪ/


T i tan i c, l ea ve, s i nk, surv i vors, sh i p, sh ee p


hit - heat - leave - live - life
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The genitive

Observe: She was John and Johanna Tobin's daughter. Eva's father died on the Titanic.

Think: Identify family relationships. How do you express them?

Practise: Describe Margaret's family tree.

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Imagine the letter of a survivor

Use and imagine the letter one of these survivors wrote when he / she was in danger and sent in a bottle.
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How far can you go?

I can give biographical information.
I can write about my family.
I can explain what happened.

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j'ai une idée !

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