Anglais Terminale - Cahier d'activités

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Mes Pages
1. Identities and Exchanges
Ch. 1
The Canadian Tale
Ch. 2
Go Greek!
2. Private and Public Spheres
Ch. 3
Is It a Man’s World?
Ch. 4
The Roaring Twenties
3. Art and Power
Ch. 5
A Camera of Her Own
Ch. 6
A Never-Ending (Hi)story?
Ch. A
Conscious Art
4. Citizenship and Virtual Worlds
Ch. 7
To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
Ch. B
Digital Passports at Risk...
Ch. C
May I Borrow This?
5. Fiction and Realities
Ch. 8
Chivalry Isn’t Dead!
Ch. 9
It’s GoT to Be Shakespeare!
6. Scientific Innovations and Responsibility
Ch. 10
Breaking the Code
Ch. D
To Infinity and Beyond!
7. Diversity and Inclusion
Ch. 12
Multicultural New Zealand
Ch. 13
Black Lives Matter
8. Territory and Memory
Ch. 14
Lighting Up Africa
Ch. 15
American Vibes
Méthode : Les épreuves de Terminale
Unit 11

Language in Progress

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Grammar at work

Les verbes à particules

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Observe and deduce!

Lisez la citation suivante. Repérez les verbes à particules et utilisez le contexte pour en proposer une traduction.

“We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature's inexhaustible sources of energy—sun, wind and tide. I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”
Thomas Edison



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Look est l'un des verbes qui peut être associé à un grand nombre de particules différentes. Complétez ces phrases avec l'un d'entre eux en utilisant les définitions entre parenthèses.

1. I am looking
trying his brand new electric bike! (= await with excitement)

2. If politicians don't, who will look
the planet? (= take care of)

3. Scientists are looking
new solutions. (= try to find)

4. Look
, it's boiling hot! (= be careful)

5. It looks
a new heatwave is starting. (= resemble / appear likely to happen)
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Vocabulary in progress

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Complétez ce texte à l'aide des mots suivants.
“Let's face it, the environmental challenge
ahead of us is the biggest we have ever known. We must stop
; it is
to rethink our ways of life right now. Everybody, at his or her own
can, and must, do something so that we manage to
our emissions. We don't need
technology to make a difference. We can start with little things: using
or biking when we can, buying
and seasonal foods, etc. And there are many
initiatives all over the world.”
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Phonology in progress

Les consonnes muettes

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a. Relevez les 13 consonnes muettes dans les phrases suivantes.

1. Foreign people are often unaware that Hawaii is actually a group of islands.

2. I doubt it, but could I get a receipt for this pack of almonds, please?

3. Listen up! He designed a new sign last Wednesday, and you know what? It's glistening!

b. Écoutez l'enregistrement pour vérifier vos réponses puis prononcez chaque phrase à voix haute.

Ex 4

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