Anglais 4e

Retourner à l'accueil

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Prologue: Back-to-school Selfie
Ch. 1
Your choice, your voice!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 3
The Food Truck Project
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Be the change!
Ch. 5
Let's swing!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Love to Death!
Ch. 7
Usual suspects!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 8
Art or Vandalism?
Ch. 9
We stand as one
Cultural spots
Chapter 2
Mission 1

America, here we come!

Parler en continu : je prends la parole pour raconter, décrire, expliquer.

Workbook p. 36 à 38
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Did you know?

England's national animal is the lion. The rooster is often used as a symbol of France. Each US state also has symbols ‒ a tree, a bird, a flower ‒ and a motto. Nevada's motto is “All For Our Country.” How many US states can you name?
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We've been selected!

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Dear students,

Your school, as an international school, has been selected to send you on a road trip through the USA. Your journey will start in New York City where we will meet, and finish as far west as possible. The objective of your trip is to show that green travel is possible. We will also ask you to take action: you must do something for the environment in every state you visit. You will have to write a blog during the trip to inform people.

Before leaving, you will submit your itinerary to our committee. I am sure you already have a lot of ideas. If you show that you are motivated and ready to take action, there is no reason why it should be refused.
Don't forget, we are the United Nations. And united, we're stronger!

Environmentally yours,

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres.

We've been selected!

1. Read and listen. What's the good news?

2. List the students' suggestions for a green road trip.

Group work
How can this road trip help the environment?
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Where have I been?

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Placeholder pour Photographie d'une longue route désertique menant à des montagnes rouges. Paysage américain.Photographie d'une longue route désertique menant à des montagnes rouges. Paysage américain.

Monument Valley, Arizona

Placeholder pour Photographie d'un lac de montagne, reflétant un ciel nuageux. Des conifères bordent le lac, entourés de montagnes boisées.Photographie d'un lac de montagne, reflétant un ciel nuageux. Des conifères bordent le lac, entourés de montagnes boisées.

Steamboat Lake, Hahns Peak, Colorado.

1. Describe the landscapes with adjectives.

2. Which one would you like to visit first? Why?

3. Post a picture of a state, describe it and justify your choice. You can create a .

Placeholder pour Vue aérienne d'une plage tropicale : sable doré, eau turquoise, baigneurs nombreux. Palmiers, parasols. Scène estivale animée.Vue aérienne d'une plage tropicale : sable doré, eau turquoise, baigneurs nombreux. Palmiers, parasols. Scène estivale animée.

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii.
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Survival kit

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Placeholder pour Carte des États-Unis montrant le drapeau de chaque État.Carte des États-Unis montrant le drapeau de chaque État.

Survival kit

1. Listen and identify the characters and their suggestions.

2. Suggest two US states to complete the itinerary.
Use the map for inspiration!

Group work
Imagine what will happen when they get there!

Placeholder pour Illustration : kit survie roadtrip USA. Carte avec Route 66, animaux (bison, castor, raton laveur…), chapeau, etc.Illustration : kit survie roadtrip USA. Carte avec Route 66, animaux (bison, castor, raton laveur…), chapeau, etc.
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Stress can change meaning!


An electric car factory. An electric car factory.


The perfect traveller's kit. The perfect traveller's kit.
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Future clauses

Observe: What happens once we are there is up to you! When we are there, we will see nenes!

Think: What is the grammatical tense in the relative clauses?

Practise: What will the class do once they are in the USA?

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Present a road trip

Use and present an ideal road trip from New York to Honolulu. Explain the eco‑friendly actions you will take on your trip.
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How far can you go?

I can project myself into the future with when.
I can also use compound words to give more information.
Vers B1
Finally I can be clear and convincing.

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j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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