Type de question | Mot en wh- | Réponse | Français |
Fermée | aucun | "yes" ou "no" | |
Ouverte | who /ˈhuː/ | une personne | qui ? |
what /ˈwɒt/ | une chose | quoi ? que ? quel ? etc. | |
when /ˈwɛn/ | un moment | quand ? | |
where /ˈwɛə/ | un endroit | où ? | |
why \ˈwaɪ\ | une raison | pourquoi ? | |
which /wɪʧ/ | choix entre plusieurs solutions | quel ? lequel ? etc. | |
how /haʊ/ | un moyen ou une manière | comment ? |
Nombres cardinaux | Nombres ordinaux | |
0 | zero | |
1 | one | the first |
2 | two | the second \ˈsɛk.ənd\ |
3 | three \ˈθɹiː\ | the third \ˈθɜːd\ |
4 | four | the fourth |
5 | five \ˈfaɪv\ | the fifth \ˈfɪfθ\ |
6 | six | the sixth \ˈsɪksθ\ |
7 | seven | the seventh |
8 | eight \ˈeɪt\ | the eighth \ˈeɪtθ\ |
9 | nine \ˈnaɪn\ | the ninth \ˈnaɪnθ\ |
10 | ten | the tenth |
11 | eleven | the elventh |
12 | twelve | the twelfth \ˈtwɛlfθ\ |
13 | thirteen | the thriteenth |
14 | fourteen | the fourteenth |
15 | fifteen \ˌfɪf.ˈtiːn\ | the fifteenth |
16 | sixteen | the sixteenth |
17 | seventeen | the seventeenth |
18 | eighteen | the eighteenth |
19 | nineteen | the nineteenth |
20 | twenty | the twentieth \ˈtwɛn.ti.ɪθ\ |
21 | twenty-one | the twenty-first |
30 | thirty | the thirtieth |
40 | fourty | the fortieth |
50 | fifty | the fiftieth |
60 | sixty | the sixtieth |
70 | seventy | the seventieth |
80 | eighty | the eightieth |
90 | ninety | the ninetieth |
100 | a hundred | the hundredth |
150 | a hundred and fifty | the hundred and fiftieth |
154 | a hundre and fifty-four | the hundred and fifty-fourth |
1 000 | a thousand | the thousandth |
1 342 | a thousand thee hundred and forty-two | the thousand three hundred and forty-second |
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