Anglais 3e - Cahier d'activités

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Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Prologue : Looking forward, looking back!
Ch. 1
Act and React!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
Piki mai, kake mai!
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 5
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 7
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up
Ch. 8
Big brands, Tiny hands
Ch. 9
Epilogue : The World in On City!
Cultural spots
Chapter 3
Mission 1

Best job ever!

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Did you know?

1. The “Best Job” campaign was only open to Europeans.
2. To apply, people had to send a cover letter.
3. The campaign encouraged French people to go to Australia. 
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The Best Jobs in the World

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1. Describe the picture using the green stickers.
A vending machine: a machine that sells coffee or food. A boardroom /ˈbɔːdrʊm/: a meeting room.

Placeholder pour Image publicitaire : bureau sur plage paradisiaque, avion, offre d'emploi Australie, 100 000 $.  Image publicitaire : bureau sur plage paradisiaque, avion, offre d'emploi Australie, 100 000 $.

2. Label the letters of the picture using these words.
ⓐ :

ⓑ :

ⓒ :

3. Imagine the island in the picture is where you work. Describe what you can see from your desk, then describe what you can do during your lunch break.

4. What would you do if you received an offer to work on this island? Use the suggestions or add your own ideas.
take the next flight / accept the offer / stay in school / drop out of school / decline the offer... If I got an offer to work here, I think I'd...
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Ad break

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1. Look at the torn picture.

Placeholder pour Affiche stylisée &quotMeilleur job du monde": gardien d'îles sur la Grande Barrière de Corail, Australie.  Détails du contrat incomplets.Affiche stylisée &quotMeilleur job du monde": gardien d'îles sur la Grande Barrière de Corail, Australie.  Détails du contrat incomplets.

a) Where can you find this type of document?
(In travel brochures / In graphic novels / In newspapers)
b) What is it exactly?
(A flyer / A classified ad / A business card)

2. Listen and take notes about the job.

The best job in the world

Job title:

for the islands of

Duration of contract:



Job description:
throughout the
tourism through a

3. Duties and possibilities (tick the duties, the remaining propositions will be the possibilities):

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Different profiles, different jobs

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1. Watch the video and associate each description with the corresponding job.
Check the water temperature.
Wake up the kangaroos.
Discover hidden laneways.
Uncover the best bars and restaurants.
Create photoshoots, meet artists and designers.
Eat your way around the state.
Swim with dolphins and sea lions.
Travel the outback and meet the locals.
Patrol the beaches.
Live the life as a Sidney VIP.
Crash festivals and events.

2. Which job would you prefer? Explain why.
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Intonation: question tags!


Listen: Tom couldn't possibly go there, could he?

Réfléchis : En anglais, pour s'assurer que le message passe, on utilise un question tag :

La voix monte-t-elle ou descend-elle ?


Répète : You wouldn't like to be a doctor, would you?
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Future possibilities and obligations

Observe : 1. Applicants will have to submit a video. 2. They will be able to fill in the form online.

Réfléchis :
Ces phrases évoquent-elles un événement .
Repère l'auxiliaire. Quelle phrase exprime une obligation ? Une possibilité ?

Conclus : L'auxiliaire
suivi de
puis d'une BV exprime une possibilité future. L'auxiliaire
suivi de
puis d'une BV exprime une obligation future.
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Mission 1

1. Your first mission consists of...

2. Choose a job to present.

3. Choose your level:

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Une erreur sur la page ? Une idée à proposer ?

Nos manuels sont collaboratifs, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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