Anglais 5e - Cahier d'activités

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Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Once upon a time… Capsule!
Ch. 1
My school, my rules!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
A visit to Emerald Isle!
Ch. 3
Highlands Fair Play!
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Bucket list
Ch. 5
Pardon my French!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 7
Once upon a time in Bollywood!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 8
A hero like no other!
Ch. 9
Think before you post!
Cultural spots
Chapter 6
Mission 1

The man, the king, the legend!

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Did you know?

1. Is Brocéliande in , or ?
2. In Brocéliande, was there , or ?
3. Were Yvain and Esclados , or ?
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The Sword in the Stone

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1. Find out the hidden words in this word snake. Then, complete the text with some of the words you found to describe the .

Placeholder pour Illustration : serpent jaune dessiné, formé de lettres formant des mots.Illustration : serpent jaune dessiné, formé de lettres formant des mots.

hair and a yellow
is King Arthur. He is trying to pull a
from a 

2. Unscramble the sentences to discover more about Arthur.

a) Britain / King / of / a / was / Arthur / . / ➝
b) lived / Arthur / the / Ages / during / Middle / . / ➝
c) Wales / Arthur / from / came / . / ➝ 

3. Watch the . Then sum up the action.
The Sword in the stone is the
of Arthur and Merlin the
. It's a tale of
, with honour and
. Arthur becomes
thanks to the magical 
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King Arthur's life

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Group work
Read the text, select key information and classify it in this mindmap.
Legend says that, a long time ago, King Uther Pendragon and Lady Igraine had a son: Arthur. Both his parents died when he was young, so Merlin, Uther's wizard counsellor, sent Arthur to live with a knight, Ector.
One day, Arthur found a gleaming sword stuck in a stone! A man told him that whoever could pull out this sword as the true king. Arthur succeeded and became King of England.

During his reign, he battled against his rivals with the help of his fantastic sword Excalibur. Throughout his extraordinary adventures, Arthur lived with his wife Guinevere, Merlin, Sir Lancelot and other knights in Camelot, the castle where the Round Table was.

One legend even says that Arthur never died and that he still lives in Avalon, ready to return when the British need him…

Places & times: What happened when he was young:
Arthur's life
What happened when he was young: His family and friends:

2. List the characters, then link them to the actions. Write full sentences using the verb in the past tense.
King Uther and Lady Igraine had a son.

  • have
  • die
  • send
  • find
  • pull
  • become
  • battle
  • live

Bonus question
Choose the right meaning for these words from the text.
a) Both:
(one of two / two of two / none of two).
b) Gleaming:
(shining / singing / dancing).
c) Pull:
(move an object in the direction of your body / move an object away from yourself / move an object in a circle).
d) Against:
(on opposite teams / on the same team).
e) Need:
(call / find (surprisingly) / want (urgently)).
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The legend today

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1. Here are some adjectives to describe films. Fill the table with the words for positive reviews and negative reviews.
Positive reviews Negative reviews

2. Choose one of the and describe it. Explain why you like it.

This is a poster for the movie
, released in
and directed by
I can see
. There is / are
I like it because 

Group work
In groups, vote for your favourite poster. Decide which poster is the most (or the least) attractive. Discuss with your group.

Number of votes (👍 / 👎 ) Our justification
First Knight 👍
King Arthur 👍
Legend of the Sword 👍
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La prononciation du « th »


Listen: Arthur, Uther, brother, both, father, them, this, think, thanks.

Réfléchis : Distingue les mots selon leur prononciation : /ð/ comme mother ;/θ/ comme theatre.


Répète : Their father thought that their mother thought that they were thieves with knives!
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Observe : A long time ago, King Arthur lived in Great Britain. Fifteen centuries ago he married Guinevere.

Réfléchis : Repère le marqueur temporel ainsi que les verbes : à quel temps sont-ils conjugués ?

Conclus : Ago associé à un marqueur temporel sert à traduire l'expression
 ; il se place
le marqueur dans une phrase au
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Mission 1

1. My production will be...

2. I will write...

3. Choose your level:

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j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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