You are in charge of one movie from the selection.
Look for information about it on the Internet. When was it
released? What is the plot? You can watch the trailer online.
To what extent are the woman / women in the film representing
power? Why?
This movie is the real story of...
It is based on true facts…
This is really insightful / thought-provoking.
Let's talk this out!
Group work
To what extent are the women in the films women of power?
Which film do you want to watch? Why?
Your time to shine!
Group work
a. In groups of four, select four movies in the list and create a wall entitled
Empowerment movies that will inspire you.
b. One of you will comment the four works to advise future viewers.
It is essential that you watch…
This movie is quite awakening because…
I am (not) keen on this film because...