Anglais 6e

Enseignant en primaire ?
Accompagnez-nous dans le développement d'une nouvelle collection !
Ch. 0
Prologue: Can you spell... B-E-E?
Thème 1 : Me, myself and I
Ch. 1
School again!
Ch. 2
Talent show!
Ch. 3
Amusement park!
Thème 2 : Across the United Kingdom
Ch. 4
Sport rocks!
Ch. 5
Haunted homes
Ch. 6
Getting around London!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 8
George the Dragon Slayer?
Ch. 9
Epilogue: Into the deep...
Cultural spots
Chapter 7
Mission 2

Robots everywhere

Écrire et réagir à l'écrit : je copie et écris sous la dictée.

Workbook p. 99
18 professeurs ont participé à cette page
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Did you know?

Robots already help humans everyday in industry, at home, in hospitals or space exploration. Created by NASA, the humanoid Robonaut is already in space and will aid in future exploration missions. Would you like to have a robot?
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From fiction...

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Placeholder pour R2D2 & C3POR2D2 & C3PO
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R2D2 & C3PO, Star Wars movies, 1977-2015.

1. Describe these robots and say what you know about their adventures. Imagine what they can do.
2. Which one is the most useful and why? with your class.
Pair work
You're writing the next episode of the Star Wars movies. Imagine a new robot: what will it look like? How will it help? Use will.
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… and dreams…

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Placeholder pour … and dreams…… and dreams…
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… and dreams…

1. Look at the and anticipate the words you will probably hear.
2. Listen twice and check your hypotheses.
3. Listen and take notes. Be ready to recap!
Group work
With your classmates, share opinions about your ideal robot. Use will.
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… to reality!

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Adapted from Wikipedia.

Paro, the baby seal robot

Paro is a baby seal robot. Its mission in life is to be very cute! Paro will calm down and also comfort patients in hospitals and nursing homes: it is therapeutic.
Takanori Shibata, a Japanese engineer, invented Paro in 1993. It was first used to help people who are old and often have brain diseases like dementia.
The robot will respond to petting and cuddling: it will move its tail and eyes. Paro will be able to mime emotions like surprise or happiness.
Most people like Paro but some doctors say that it is maybe not humane to ask robots to care for sick and old people.
Adapted from Wikipedia.

1. Look at the photo and imagine what the text will be about.
2. Now read the . Who is Paro? What does it do?
Group work
Some people think this robot is not a good idea. Share your opinion on Paro.
4. Watch and discover new robots. Which one is your favourite? .
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Long /i:/ or short /ɪ/


I will build a big screen!


Geeks will not need sleep.
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Observe: My robot will walk the dog, it will not wake me up and it won't give me orders!

Think: Spot the auxiliaries. What is their role?

Practise: Tonight I… wash the dishes. No, I… iron clothes!

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Write an ad

Use and write an ad to advertise your robot. What will it do? What won't it do?
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How far can you go?

I can write about future chores.
I can use exclamative sentences and adjectives.
I can defend my robot and promote it.

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Oups, une coquille

j'ai une idée !

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