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Mes Pages
1. Identities and Exchanges
Ch. 1
The Canadian Tale
Ch. 2
Go Greek!
2. Private and Public Spheres
Ch. 3
Is It a Man’s World?
Ch. 4
The Roaring Twenties
3. Art and Power
Ch. 6
A Never-Ending (Hi)story?
Ch. A
Conscious Art
4. Citizenship and Virtual Worlds
Ch. 7
To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
Ch. B
Digital Passports at Risk...
Ch. C
May I Borrow This?
5. Fiction and Realities
Ch. 8
Chivalry Isn’t Dead!
Ch. 9
It’s GoT to Be Shakespeare!
6. Scientific Innovations and Responsibility
Ch. 10
Breaking the Code
Ch. 11
Green Waves
Ch. D
To Infinity and Beyond!
Ch. num
Tech for the Future?
7. Diversity and Inclusion
Ch. 12
Multicultural New Zealand
Ch. 13
Black Lives Matter
8. Territory and Memory
Ch. 14
Lighting Up Africa
Ch. 15
American Vibes
Fiches Méthode
Précis culturel
Précis de communication
Précis phonologique
Précis grammatical
Verbes irréguliers
CECR et programme
Rabats & annexes
Unit 5
Activity 4

Book and Movie Corner

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Placeholder pour Couverture du roman &quotSweet Caress" de William Boyd. Photo d'une femme regardant à travers un appareil photo vintage.Couverture du roman &quotSweet Caress" de William Boyd. Photo d'une femme regardant à travers un appareil photo vintage.
Sweet Caress, William Boyd, 2015.
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Book Selection

  • Land, by Fay Godwin and John Fowles, 1985.
  • Never Don't Pay Attention: The Life of Rodeo Photographer Louise L. Serpa, by Jan Cleere, 2015.
  • Sweet Caress, by William Boyd, 2015.
  • Dorothea Lange, The Photographer Who Found the Faces of the Depression,, Carole Boston Weatherford, 2017.

  • Portrait of Imogen, by Meg Partridge, 1988.
  • Fur, an Imaginary Life of Diane Arbus, by Steven Shainberg, 2006.
  • Finding Vivian Maier, by John Maloof, 2014.
  • Life Through the Lens, Margaret Bourke-White, by Parker Beverly, 2018.
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Movie Selection

  • Portrait of Imogen, by Meg Partridge, 1988.
  • Fur, an Imaginary Life of Diane Arbus, by Steven Shainberg, 2006.
  • Finding Vivian Maier, by John Maloof, 2014.
  • Life Through the Lens, Margaret Bourke-White, by Parker Beverly, 2018.
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You are in charge of one book or movie from the selections above.

Go online to find out more about the female photographer presented in your movie or book.

a. What did your female photographer specialise in (journalism, politics, war, fashion, landscape…)?

b. What was she interested in or passionate about as an artist? What mattered to her?

What image of women did she convey as an artist?
Let's talk this out!

Share your findings and learn about the other books and movies.

What are the common points and differences between these female photographers?

How can being a woman change the way a person represents the world?
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Grammar in progress

L'insistance et la reprise (do)

On utilise l'auxiliaire do pour éviter la répétition d'un verbe ou pour insister sur une action.

Ex : A. Leibovitz truthfully portrays celebs. Everyone knows she does. She really does have a unique talent.

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Let's learn!

Chain speaking

Make one sentence about photography and women photographers using four words from the unit.
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Over to you!

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How she sees the world...

Let's use what you have learnt in !

You are passionate about photography and photographers. Write an article to be published on your blog about how you and female photographers see the world from behind the lens.

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