Anglais 6e

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Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Me, myself and I
Ch. 1
School again!
Ch. 2
Talent show!
Ch. 3
Amusement park!
Thème 2 : Across the United Kingdom
Ch. 4
Sport rocks!
Ch. 5
Haunted homes
Ch. 6
Getting around London!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 7
I, robot!
Ch. 8
George the Dragon Slayer?
Ch. 9
Epilogue: Into the deep...
Cultural spots
Mission 1

What is a Spelling Bee contest?

Écrire et réagir à l'écrit : je recopie, copie et écris sous la dictée.

Workbook p. 12
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Did you know?

In France, Spelling Bee contests are dictations: for instance, la Dictée des Cités. In the USA, you can spell words at the National Spelling Bee. Do you prefer written or spoken spelling tests? Why?
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Can you spell P-O-S-T-E-R?

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Placeholder pour Illustration : six enfants participent à un concours d'orthographe, assis sur des chaises. Une bannière indique « Putnam County Spelling Bee ».Illustration : six enfants participent à un concours d'orthographe, assis sur des chaises. Une bannière indique « Putnam County Spelling Bee ».

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee poster, Kahilu Theatre, Hawaii, 2014.

1. Describe the document: colours, pictures, text…
I can see...
2. Concentrate on numbers and easy words. Organise them into categories. You can use a .
Group work
Present the document.
The document is a...
It is about...
We can see...
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6-year-old winner!

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Placeholder pour Photographie : jeune garçon concentré participant à un concours d'orthographe national.Photographie : jeune garçon concentré participant à un concours d'orthographe national.

1. What type of document is it? Find a place, a date, an event and an age. What can you expect?
2. Watch and focus on the little boy. Complete his registration form: name, age, exceptional skills...
He can... / He can't...
Group work
Now, watch . The boy spells words. Can you list them? Can you spell them too?
4. In the end, is the boy the winner? Why?
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... at a Spelling Bee contest...

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Placeholder pour Illustration : deux jeunes, Jonas et Jenny, participants à un concours d'orthographe, discutent.Illustration : deux jeunes, Jonas et Jenny, participants à un concours d'orthographe, discutent.

At a Spelling Bee contest

1. Listen and take notes: who? Where? What?
2. Pay attention to the Spelling Bee contest rules. Write them down.
Group work
Discuss them with your classmates: are they difficult?

Enregistreur audio

Pair work
Jonas and Jenny introduce themselves. Can you think of other questions you can ask when you meet someone?
5. Can you hear other words with “spell”? You can create a .
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Know your ABC

Listen to the alphabet song!

Sing along …and recite the alphabet faster and faster.

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Introduce yourself with BE

Observe: What is your name? How old are you? What is your address?

Underline the subject and the verb. What do you notice?

 Answer the 3 questions above with your personal information. Make complete sentences.

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Registration form

Use and fill in the registration form to participate in a Spelling Bee contest.
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How far can you go?

I can write very short answers.
I can answer most questions with brief sentences.
I can answer with simple but full sentences.

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Nos manuels sont collaboratifs, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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