Anglais 4e - Cahier d'activités

Retourner à l'accueil

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Back-to-school Selfie
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
Let's hit the road!
Ch. 3
The Food Truck Project
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Be the change!
Ch. 5
Let's swing!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Love to Death
Ch. 7
Usual suspects!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 8
Art or Vandalism?
Ch. 9
Epilogue : We stand as one
Cultural spots
Chapter 1
Mission 2

Me + you = our student council

Piece of cake p. 40-41
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Did you know?

1. How did Bill and Hillary Clinton start their political careers? , or ?
2. Bill's 1967 campaign poster is exhibited at the White House. .
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Defend your values

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1. Match the elements with the corresponding picture.
Placeholder pour <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 1</stamp> J. W. York Elementary School<stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 1</stamp> J. W. York Elementary School

J. W. York Elementary School
Placeholder pour <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 2</stamp> St. James School<stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 2</stamp> St. James School

St. James School
Placeholder pour <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 3</stamp> PikeView High School<stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 3</stamp> PikeView High School

PikeView High School

Bonus question
Guess what "vox populi" means.

3. Choose the school that fits the description and justify your choice.

In this school, J.W. York. E. School St. James School PikeView High School
students seem to be creative because their logo is colourful and original. X
students achieve great things as suggested by the star-shaped logo
the notion of justice is important because
students feel supported because
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Be bold and join us!

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1. Look at the document and answer the questions.

Placeholder pour <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 5</stamp> <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 5</stamp>

a) The document presents 
(the Student Council's functions. / the committees. / the school clubs.)
b) If a student applies to be a representative 
(he/she will be paid. / he/she will become a member of the committee. / he/she won't have to attend classes anymore.)
c) There is a committee meeting every day. 
(Right / Wrong)

2. Fill in the chart about the three committees.

Communication: inform the students on upcoming events.
Vice President
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Stronger Together

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1. Listen to the audio. Fill in the ID cards of each speaker.

Stronger Together

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School year:


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School year:


2. Is being the president positive or negative? Sort the advantages and the drawbacks.
Advantages Drawbacks

3. How often do the committees meet?
a) The 
committee meets 
; it's not that 
b) The 
committee members have to 
, about 

4. Interview members of the Student Council using these forms.

Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Responsibility #1:
Responsibility #2:
Responsibility #3:
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Same word, different stress?


Listen: I represent the class: I am a representative! I present the class with a present. 

Réfléchis : Écoute la phrase et repère la syllabe accentuée dans tous les mots contenant present.

Répète : Selon le
du mot et sa catégorie
, l'accentuation peut être différente. Un même mot peut donc avoir
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Observe : We meet once a month. The whole council meets only twice a year. But informal meetings take place three times a semester. 

Réfléchis : Repère les verbes puis les indications de fréquence. Remarques-tu un point commun dans leur construction ?

Conclus : Pourrais-tu traduire « une fois par jour » ?
, « deux fois par semaine » ?
, « trois fois par an » ?
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Mission 2

1. Your second mission is to...

2. You will have to talk about...

3. Choose your level:

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Oups, une coquille

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