Anglais 2de

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Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Unité de transition collège/lycée
1 • Generations living together
Ch. 1
Food for joy, food for ploy
Ch. 2
No future? No way!
2 • Working worlds
Ch. 3
Working in Silicon Valley
Ch. 4
STEM women rock!
3 • Neighbourhoods, cities and villages
Ch. 5
Ticket to ride
Ch. 6
South Afri...cans
Ch. A
Dreaming city stories - Digital content only
Ch. num
Diners and Pubs
4 • Representation of self and relationships with others
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Look at me now!
Ch. B
Inking the future - Digital content only
5 • Sports and society
Ch. 9
Spirit in motion
Ch. 10
Athletic scholarship
6 • Creation and arts
Ch. 11
“You see but you don’t observe!”
Ch. 12
From silent to talkie
Ch. C
Copying or denouncing? - Digital content only
7 • Saving the planet, designing possible futures
Ch. 13
Young voices of change
Ch. 14
Biomimicry: a sustainable solution?
Ch. num
National Parks
8 • The past in the present
Ch. 15
Twisted tales
Ch. 16
The Royals
Ch. num
The Royals 2.0 "Family Business"
Ch. num
Spooky Scotland
Fiches méthode
Ch. 18
Précis culturel
Ch. 19
Précis de communication
Ch. 20
Précis phonologique
Ch. 21
Précis grammatical
Verbes irréguliers
Unit D
Activity 1

The True Story of Halloween

Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.


Bet You didn't know: Halloween,, 2013.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.



  • candy / sweets (n.)
  • fellow / peer / mate (n.)
  • offering / gift (n.)
  • spirits (n.)
  • trick / prank (n.)
  • be mistaken for /mɪsˈtεɪkən/ (v.)
  • entertain / have fun (v.)
  • tell a joke / make fun (v.)
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.
Watch the video.
Then, click on your path! or

Path A

Pick out all the names, dates, and places that you hear.

Use keywords you have heard to present the video (Who? What? Where? When?).

What type of video is it (fiction, documentary...)?

Useful vocabulary
I've heard...,
so it probably deals with...
It is about… It presents…

Path B

Pick out elements about Halloween: how, when and why it was celebrated? What was it called then?

What do people usually think about Halloween?

What's the goal of the video?

Useful vocabulary
Back in the days, ...
People celebrate…
They used to… but now…
The video aims at V-ing...
Let's talk this out!

Where does Halloween come from? How can you explain this tradition?

What do you usually do on Halloween? Do you like Halloween? Why?

Useful vocabulary
On Halloween, I enjoy V-ing…
Usually, I… I found it quite surprising that…
I had never heard of / already heard of the origins of Halloween.
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.

Language in progress

L'habitude dans le passé

Il existe deux façons de parler d'une habitude dans le passé :
  • Would + V (pas de to)
  • Used to + V. Il indique une rupture avec le présent (c'était vrai mais ça ne l'est plus maintenant).

Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.

Let's learn!

Two truths and one lie

Write three sentences on what you have learnt on this double page: two are true and the third one is a lie.
In groups of 4, tell your sentences to your neighbors, will they find which sentence is a lie?
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.

Over to you!

Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.

Cineclub committee

Let's use what you have learnt in and / or !

Along with three other members of the committee, you have to decide which film / TV show pilot will be broadcast at your school for Halloween. Make a choice and be ready to justify it.
Enregistreur audio

Une erreur sur la page ? Une idée à proposer ?

Nos manuels sont collaboratifs, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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