You are in charge of one movie.
Select one movie from
the list and look up for
information on the Internet.
Look at the title, the poster,
and the movie trailer. Be
ready to present it briefly.
What image of the Native
Americans is conveyed?
movie was released on…
It was directed by…
It tells the story of…
Let's talk this out!
Group work
Does this representation of the Native
Americans reflect reality?
Which one do you feel like watching?
It depicts a…
Native Americans are shown as…
I would like to watch… Talking about
this makes me feel like watching…
Your time to shine!
You were asked to post a review on
a page dedicated to Columbus Day
on your high school website. Write a
short review on the representation of
the Native Americans in one movie
or TV series. Give suggestions on
how to rectify their representation in
popular culture.