Anglais 1re - Cahier d'activités

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Mes Pages
Thème 1 - Identities and exchanges
Ch. 1
In and out of the Valley
Ch. 2
Nollywood and Bollywood
Thème 2 - Public and private spaces
Ch. 3
Women of power
Ch. 4
Better together
Thème 3 - Art and power
Ch. 5
Uncle Stan’s army
Ch. A
The colors of music
Thème 4 - Citizenship and virtual worlds
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Fact or fiction?
Ch. B
Back to the future
Thème 5 - Fictions and realities
Ch. 9
The West wind
Ch. C
From Britain with laughs
Thème 6 - Scientific innovations and responsibility
Ch. 10
The big smoke
Ch. 11
Is it a brave new world?
Thème 7 - Diversity and inclusion
Ch. 12
The secret road to freedom
Ch. 13
Caribbean poetry
Thème 8 - Territory and memory
Ch. 14
No thanks, no giving
Ch. 15
Troubled times
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Get ready!

What makes a scary character, in your view? Fill in the grid with adjectives.

Then listen to the recording to check your answers.

FacePersonalityClothes / body
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Watch the video

Answer the following questions.

1) Who are the people being interviewed?
2) What do they think about Tim Burton?
3) What do they have to do? Why?
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Faites défiler pour voir la suite.

Let's recap!

Present the video. Would you participate in this project?
spooky characters
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Nos manuels sont collaboratifs, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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