Anglais 1re - Cahier d'activités

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Mes Pages
Thème 1 - Identities and exchanges
Ch. 1
In and out of the Valley
Ch. 2
Nollywood and Bollywood
Thème 2 - Public and private spaces
Ch. 3
Women of power
Ch. 4
Better together
Thème 3 - Art and power
Ch. 5
Uncle Stan’s army
Ch. A
The colors of music
Thème 4 - Citizenship and virtual worlds
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Fact or fiction?
Ch. B
Back to the future
Thème 5 - Fictions and realities
Ch. 9
The West wind
Ch. C
From Britain with laughs
Thème 6 - Scientific innovations and responsibility
Ch. 10
The big smoke
Ch. 11
Is it a brave new world?
Thème 7 - Diversity and inclusion
Ch. 12
The secret road to freedom
Ch. 13
Caribbean poetry
Thème 8 - Territory and memory
Ch. 14
No thanks, no giving
Ch. 15
Troubled times
Unit 8

Language in progress

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Grammar at work

Les verbes à particules (phrasal verbs)

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Observe and deduce!

Repérez les trois autres verbes à particules et traduisez-les comme dans l'exemple.spread”: se propager. → “spread before them”: étalée devant eux.

As they rushed in they heard voices, two voices; they seemed to come from above. The group hurried from room to room, but they found nothing until they reached the fourth floor. There they found a door that was firmly closed, locked, with the key inside. Quickly they forced the door open, and they saw spread before them a bloody sickening scene—a scene of horror!
The Murders In the Rue Morgue, Edgar Allan Poe, 1841.



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Complétez avec le verbe et la particule qui conviennent.
1) The young man
when he saw the corpse.
2) As soon as I saw the mansion, I felt like I needed to
from here.
3) She tried to reach the phone but the line was
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Vocabulary in progress

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Complétez la légende en associant chaque élement avec un mot de l'unité, puis ajoutez un adjectif relevant du gothique.

Placeholder pour Femme en robe blanche courant près d'un manoir hanté, nuit, pleine lune, chauves-souris.Femme en robe blanche courant près d'un manoir hanté, nuit, pleine lune, chauves-souris.
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Phonology in progress

Labo des langues

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Complétez les transcriptions phonétiques suivantes avec /ʊ/ ou /uː/.


1) Brooding: /ˈbrdɪŋ/

2) Moon: /mn/

3) Soothing: /ˈsðɪŋ/

4) Shook: k/

5) Spooky: /ˈspki/

6) Cook: /ˈkk/
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