Anglais 3e - Cahier d'activités

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Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Prologue : Looking forward, looking back!
Ch. 1
Act and React!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
Piki mai, kake mai!
Ch. 3
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 5
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 7
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up
Ch. 8
Big brands, Tiny hands
Ch. 9
Epilogue : The World in On City!
Cultural spots

Canada day

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Did you know?

1. Canada and the USA have the same National Day.
2. It commemorates the end of the Federal Government.
3. Chile's independence day is Fiestas Patrias.
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1. Listen, then match the flag to the correct province or territory. Can you spot the Flag of Prince Edward Island?
Which flag can you see in the lower right corner?

Canada flags

Placeholder pour Carte du Canada divisée en provinces et territoires, avec leurs noms indiqués.Carte du Canada divisée en provinces et territoires, avec leurs noms indiqués.

Placeholder pour Image des drapeaux des 10 provinces et 3 territoires du Canada.Image des drapeaux des 10 provinces et 3 territoires du Canada.

2. Which animal is NOT a Canadian symbol?

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1. Solve the riddles. Answers are words from the text.
Celebrating Canada Day

On July 1st, 1867, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982. Since 1983, July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day.
In many towns and cities, municipal governments organize a range of events, often outdoors. These include pancake breakfasts, parades, concerts, carnivals, festivals, firework displays and citizenship ceremonies for new Canadian citizens. The celebrations often have a patriotic mood. Canada's national flag is widely displayed and a lot of people paint their faces red and white, which are Canada's national colors. The celebrations in Ottawa, which is Canada's capital city, are particularly exuberant.
In the province of Quebec, many home leases start on July 1st and last for exactly one year. Hence, many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving their possessions from one house to another. In this province, Canada Day is also known as Moving Day! [...]

a) Another name for an independent region. ➝
b) The contrary of indoors. ➝
c) A synonym for independent. ➝
d) A synonym for festivities. ➝ 

2. Listen and number the lines from the citizenship's oath in the right order.


To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
the laws of Canada
I reaffirm
And fulfil my duties
And that I will faithfully observe
as a Canadian citizen
And bear true allegiance
Queen of Canada
that I will be faithful
Her Heirs and Successors
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1. Make a wordcloud from J. Trudeau's speech with words expressing unity.


2. Complete these extracts from J. Trudeau's speech.

a) Let's also celebrate our
. It united us in the
, it binds us together
and it's at the very heart of our
b) No matter our
, where we were
, what
our skin, what
we speak, or whom we
, we are all equal members of this

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Up to you!

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How far can you go?

 On my photo-collage, there is a… because...
The Union Jack shows Canada's relation with the UK.
I've also added… to prove how inclusive this nation is.

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