Anglais 3e - Cahier d'activités

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Mes Pages
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Prologue : Looking forward, looking back!
Ch. 1
Act and React!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
Piki mai, kake mai!
Ch. 3
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 5
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 7
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up
Ch. 8
Big brands, Tiny hands
Ch. 9
Epilogue : The World in On City!
Cultural spots

9/11 #NeverForget

Piece of Cake p. 154
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Did you know?

1. September 11th is
2. Americans commemorate
3. There is a minute of silence at 8.46 am because
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Placeholder pour Photographie du One World Trade Center à New York, vu depuis le mémorial du 11 septembre. Une foule de visiteurs se tient devant le bâtiment par une journée ensoleillée.Photographie du One World Trade Center à New York, vu depuis le mémorial du 11 septembre. Une foule de visiteurs se tient devant le bâtiment par une journée ensoleillée.

1. Listen to the audio file and match the figures with the right information.

World Trade Center

height of One World Trade Center
price of the building
number of images in the museum
year the museum opened
number of years it took to build One World Trade Center
area where the twin towers stood
hours of video

2. Put the words in the right order to express large quantities. Then, write the corresponding number in figures.

a) thousand / and / hundred / feet / one / six / seventy / seven ➝

b) four / meters / thousand / square ➝

c) victims / thousand / seventy / two / nine / seven / hundred / and ➝

3. Watch the and explain the significance of the height of One World Trade Center.
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1. Select the words you hear in the interviews.


2. Find these words from the interviews in the grid : Crash / Explosion / Trap / Safe / Victim / Tower / Unfair / Plane / News / Noise.
Placeholder pour Grille de mots fléchés avec lettres noires sur fond jaune pâle.Grille de mots fléchés avec lettres noires sur fond jaune pâle.

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1. Read the article and fill in the timeline to describe Artie's morning.
9/11: The 73 minutes that changed my life
5 September 2011

“I remember it was a beautiful day”. He was working at [a] law firm, and his office was on the 23rd floor of a building [near] the World Trade Center. At 08:46, a loud boom shook the building. [Then] someone screamed for everyone to get out of the building, because a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. Van Why took the lift and exited through a revolving door.
“I walked to Church Street. […] I saw the North Tower […] I was dumbstruck.”
Later, [he] saw the second plane hit the South Tower as he ran towards Fulton Street. […] None of the phones were working, so he went into a café and used a telephone there. When he emerged, he heard a deafening sound. He saw a wall of grey smoke. The South Tower was collapsing.
He started running. The time was 09:59, 73 minutes after the first plane flew into the North Tower.
By the time he got to his apartment on 43rd Street. The North Tower had also collapsed. [The events have] haunted him for nearly a decade.
Tom Geoghegan, “9/11: the 73
minutes that changed my life”,
BBC, 5 September 2011.
Tom Geoghegan
“9/11: the 73 minutes that changed my life”, BBC, 5 September 2011.

Time 8:30 am 8:46 am 9:03 am 9:59 am
Artie's actions
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Up to you!

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How far can you go?

GUIDE: This is… It was built in… It is… feet high. TOURIST: How high….? How much / many…?
 GUIDE: There were… It was… At . a.m., … V-ed TOURIST: What happened? When did …?
 GUIDE: It was … terrifying / frightening… I was … horrifi ed / upset… I was V-ing, when V-ed TOURIST: What did you do? What were you doing?

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