Anglais 2de

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Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Unité de transition collège/lycée
1 • Generations living together
Ch. 1
Food for joy, food for ploy
Ch. 2
No future? No way!
2 • Working worlds
Ch. 3
Working in Silicon Valley
Ch. 4
STEM women rock!
3 • Neighbourhoods, cities and villages
Ch. 5
Ticket to ride
Ch. 6
South Afri...cans
Ch. A
Dreaming city stories - Digital content only
Ch. num
Diners and Pubs
4 • Representation of self and relationships with others
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Look at me now!
Ch. B
Inking the future - Digital content only
5 • Sports and society
Ch. 9
Spirit in motion
Ch. 10
Athletic scholarship
6 • Creation and arts
Ch. 11
“You see but you don’t observe!”
Ch. 12
From silent to talkie
Ch. C
Copying or denouncing? - Digital content only
7 • Saving the planet, designing possible futures
Ch. 13
Young voices of change
Ch. 14
Biomimicry: a sustainable solution?
Ch. num
National Parks
8 • The past in the present
Ch. 15
Twisted tales
Ch. num
The Royals 2.0 "Family Business"
Ch. D
All Hallows' Eve - Digital content only
Ch. num
Spooky Scotland
Fiches méthode
Ch. 18
Précis culturel
Ch. 19
Précis de communication
Ch. 20
Précis phonologique
Ch. 21
Précis grammatical
Verbes irréguliers
Unit 16
Activity 2

Screen corner

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Placeholder pour Affiche de la série Netflix The Crown : une femme portant une couronne, profil de face, regard baissé.Affiche de la série Netflix The Crown : une femme portant une couronne, profil de face, regard baissé.
The Crown, by Stephen Daldry, 2016.
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The Crown, by Stephen Daldry, 2016.
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Placeholder pour Affiche du film The Queen : Helen Mirren, en noir, incarne la reine Elizabeth II, sur fond d'un portrait officiel en noir et blanc.Affiche du film The Queen : Helen Mirren, en noir, incarne la reine Elizabeth II, sur fond d'un portrait officiel en noir et blanc.
The Queen, by Stephen Frears, 2006.
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The Queen, by Stephen Frears, 2006.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Movie / series selection

  • TV series and reports:
    • The Crown, Stephen Daldry, 2016.
    • The Royal House of Windsor, Richard Sanders, 2017.
  • Films:
    • Elisabeth, Shekhar Kapur, 1998.
    • The Queen, Stephen Frears, 2006.
    • The King's Speech, Tom Hooper, 2011.
    • Victoria and Adbdul, Stephen Frears, 2017.
    • The Queen's Corgi (Animation), Ben Stassen, 2019.
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  • determined (adj.)
  • a strong personality (exp.)
  • comply with / stand firm (v.)
  • head / lead /'liːd/ / rule over (v.)

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You are in charge of one film.
Look at the poster and watch the trailer. Be ready to present it.
Focus on the main character. Who is she? What do you learn about her personality?

Look at the quotes below. Select the ones from your video. Justify.

Let's talk this out!
Group work

What are the similarities? The differences?

Would you rather watch the series or the movie? Why?

Debate: “Elizabeth II: bridge or breach between the old and the new monarchy?”

Useful vocabulary
She must have felt powerful ≠ helpless…
She is someone who is connecting / uniting / bridging…
There is a sense of fracture / breach / contrast because…
She felt obliged to obey / follow ≠ disrupt / challenge the rules / traditions…
Afficher la correction
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Over to you!

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Welcome to the family!

Let's use what you have learnt in and / or !

Lead a one-minute flash news about a newcomer in the Royal Family (real or invented)!
Using the recorder below, give facts about her/him and present her/his connection with the Queen.
Enregistreur audio

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j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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