You are in charge of one film or TV show from the selection
Look for information on the Internet. You can even watch
the trailer. Be ready to present your film or TV show.
Would you watch it or recommend it?
This is an action movie set in (country) in (year). It was released in (year). It stars (main actor / actress),
and also features (actors).
Let's talk this out!
Group work
Present your movie or TV show.
Does it remind you of something you studied in the unit? How is it representative of one or several generation(s)?
Which movie or TV show do you feel like watching?
I'm interested in…
I have never seen… ≠ I have already seen...
You're time to shine!
Movie review: Make a short presentation of the movie or TV show
you elected as “Video of the week”. Be convincing!
I liked the fact that…
I strongly recommend… because…
You should see this movie because… / (actor) is flamboyant in
this TV show...
I'm interested in watching it because…