une boule à neige interactive
une boule à neige interactive
Anglais 1re

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
1. Identities and Exchanges
Ch. 1
In and out of the Valley
Ch. 2
Nollywood and Bollywood
2. Public and private spaces
Ch. 3
Women of power
Ch. 4
Better together
3. Art and power
Ch. 5
Uncle Stan’s army
Ch. A
The colors of music - Digital content only
Ch. num
4. Citizenship and virtual worlds
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Fact or fiction?
Ch. B
Back to the future - Digital content only
5. Fictions and realities
Ch. 8
Got(h) away with murder
Ch. 9
The West wind
Ch. C
From Britain with laughs - Digital content only
6. Scientific innovations and responsibility
Ch. 10
The big smoke
7. Diversity and inclusion
Ch. 12
The secret road to freedom
Ch. 13
Caribbean poetry
8. Territory and memory
Ch. 14
No thanks, no giving
Ch. 15
Troubled times
Ch. num
The Blues Highway
Fiches méthode
Précis de communication
Précis phonologique
Précis grammatical
Précis culturel
Verbes irréguliers
Unit 11
Activity 1

One and the same

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Text document

The scene takes place in a hatchery where humans are being created artificially.

He pointed. On a very slowly moving band a rack-full of test-tubes was entering a large metal box, another, rack-full was emerging. Machinery faintly purred. It took eight minutes for the tubes to go through, he told them. Eight minutes of hard X-rays being about as much as an egg can stand. A few died; of the rest, the least susceptible divided into two; most put out four buds; some eight; all were returned to the incubators, where the buds began to develop; then, after two days, were suddenly chilled, chilled and checked. Two, four, eight, the buds in their turn budded; and having budded were dosed almost to death with alcohol; consequently burgeoned again and having budded – bud out of bud out of bud – were thereafter – further arrest being generally fatal – left to develop in peace. By which time the original egg was in a fair way to becoming anything from eight to ninety-six embryos – a prodigious improvement, you will agree, on nature. Identical twins – but not in piddling twos and threes as in the old viviparous days, when an egg would sometimes accidentally divide; actually by dozens, by scores at a time.

But one of the students was fool enough to ask where the advantage lay. “My good boy!” The Director wheeled sharply round on him. “Can't you see? Can't you see?” He raised a hand; his expression was solemn. “Bokanovsky's Process is one of the major instruments of social stability!” Standard men and women; in uniform batches. The whole of a small factory staffed with the products of a single bokanovskified egg.

“Ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines!” The voice was almost tremulous with enthusiasm.
Aldous Huxley,
Brave New World, 1932.

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, 1932.

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Read the text.
Then, click on your path! or

Path A

Who? What? Where?

What do the numbers in the text refer to? What do they reveal about the Bokanovsky's Process?

What strikes you in the date of publication? What strikes you in the date of publication?

Useful vocabulary
These numbers refer to / represent / stand for...

Path B

What type of document is it?

What's the Director's opinion on the Bokanovsky's Process? Justify.

What about the tone of the narrator?

Useful vocabulary
It seems to me that...
The narrator sounds quite + adj.
Let's talk this out!
Group work

“a prodigious improvement, you will agree, on nature.” l.19. Do you agree?

“Standard men and women; in uniform batches” l.30. What does this sentence reveal about the future of humankind?

Useful vocabulary
It conveys… It shows… It gives the impression that…
The tone used by the narrator feels… It reminds me of…
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  • tremulous /ˈtrɛmjʊləs/ / trembling (adj.)
  • bud → embryo (for a plant) (n.)
  • bud / blossom (v.)
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Grammar in progress

Prétérit en -ing

a. Observez les deux formes verbales soulignées.

b. Comment se forment-elles ?

c. Par quel temps les traduiriez-vous en français ?

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Over to you!

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Our adaptation

Let's use what you have learnt in and / or in !

As cinema students at Columbia University, you were asked to adapt an extract from for a short film project. Work as a group to build your pitch (100-200 words).
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Oups, une coquille

j'ai une idée !

Nous préparons votre pageNous vous offrons 5 essais

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