Anglais 6e - Cahier d'activités

Retourner à l'accueil

Enseignant en primaire ?
Accompagnez-nous dans le développement d'une nouvelle collection !
Mes Pages
Ch. 0
Can you spell… B-E-E?
Thème 1 : Me, myself and I
Ch. 2
Talent show!
Ch. 3
Amusement Park!
Thème 2 : Across the United Kingdom
Ch. 4
Sport rocks!
Ch. 5
Haunted homes
Ch. 6
Getting around London!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 7
I, robot!
Ch. 8
George the Dragon Slayer?
Ch. 9
Into the deep…
Cultural spots
Chapter 1
Mission 2

Back to school!

Piece of cake p. 38
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Did you know?

1. In the UK, the school assembly is in the afternoon.
2. The “Pledge of Allegiance” is an American tradition.
3. During the pledge, pupils look at the school emblem.
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Happy or not?

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1. Match the words to the corresponding part of the picture.

Placeholder pour Bande dessinée : une mère et ses enfants déçus vont au magasin pour une vente de fournitures scolaires.Bande dessinée : une mère et ses enfants déçus vont au magasin pour une vente de fournitures scolaires.




Stationery shop



Felt tips

2. Drag in the first category the emotions of the children at the begining. Then draggable in the second one the emotions of the children at the end.
At the beginning At the end

2. Fill in the blanks with the adjectives from exercise 2 to sum up the story.

First, the children are
because they think they are going to the beach or the zoo. Then, at the stationery shop, they realise they must go back to school soon, so they are 

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Ready or not?

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1. Concentrate on characters' expressions. Choose which emoji represents the feelings of the characters (angry, sad, etc.).

Placeholder pour Illustration : une jeune femme souriante écoute de la musique sur son téléphone, tandis qu'un jeune homme au téléphone semble inquiet.Illustration : une jeune femme souriante écoute de la musique sur son téléphone, tandis qu'un jeune homme au téléphone semble inquiet.

😄 🙁

2. Now, listen to the audio. Sort out Ayanda's words from Josh's.

Ready or not?

Ayanda's words Josh's words

3. Label the picture with the words below. Then, listen to Ayanda again and colour/customise the school material.
Where is the photo of a dancer? Where are the chips?
matching: the same style, colour.
Placeholder pour Illustration de sac à dos, trousse, classeur et boîte repas vides, objets scolaires pour enfants.Illustration de sac à dos, trousse, classeur et boîte repas vides, objets scolaires pour enfants.

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Is back to school cool?

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1. Read and fill in the chart with the rhyming words. 
Teamwork /ˈtiːmwɜːk/: group work.
Heavy /ˈhevi/: dense, very big, not light.

Rhyme /eɪ/: play, ... /uːl/: school, ... /aɪ/: cry, ... /uː/: glue, ...
Words in the poem

2. Fill in the mindmap with words from the poems.

School uniform School material
School again!
Positive adjectives / verbs Negative adjectives / verbs

3. Choose one of the . Fill in the blanks with the right words to describe it.

(Ayanda's / Josh's) text is very
(positive / negative).
(He / She)
(loves / hates) going back to school and is really
(sad / excited).
(He / She) thinks the uniform is
(cool / horrible), and says that today is a
(bad / good) day.
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La prononciation du « s » final


Listen: Friends, shorts, lunchboxes.

Réfléchis : Concentre-toi sur la prononciation du « s » final. Combien de façons y a‑t‑il pour prononcer le « s » final d'un mot ? 1, 2 ou 3 ?


Répète : So many ties, hats and blouses in shops and so many books in the libraries.
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There is and there are

Observe: There is a car. There are 2 children.

Think: When do you use “there is” or “there are”?

Practise: What's in your pencil case?

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Mission 2

1. Your first mission is to...

2. It must be about...

3. Choose your level:

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j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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