Anglais 2de

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Mes Pages
Unité de transition collège/lycée
1 • Generations living together
Ch. 1
Food for joy, food for ploy
Ch. 2
No future? No way!
2 • Working worlds
Ch. 3
Working in Silicon Valley
Ch. 4
STEM women rock!
3 • Neighbourhoods, cities and villages
Ch. 5
Ticket to ride
Ch. 6
South Afri...cans
Ch. A
Dreaming city stories - Digital content only
Ch. num
Diners and Pubs
4 • Representation of self and relationships with others
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Look at me now!
Ch. B
Inking the future - Digital content only
5 • Sports and society
Ch. 9
Spirit in motion
Ch. 10
Athletic scholarship
6 • Creation and arts
Ch. 11
“You see but you don’t observe!”
Ch. 12
From silent to talkie
Ch. C
Copying or denouncing? - Digital content only
7 • Saving the planet, designing possible futures
Ch. 13
Young voices of change
Ch. 14
Biomimicry: a sustainable solution?
Ch. num
National Parks
8 • The past in the present
Ch. 16
The Royals
Ch. num
The Royals 2.0 "Family Business"
Ch. D
All Hallows' Eve - Digital content only
Ch. num
Spooky Scotland
Fiches méthode
Ch. 18
Précis culturel
Ch. 19
Précis de communication
Ch. 20
Précis phonologique
Ch. 21
Précis grammatical
Verbes irréguliers
Unit 15
Activity 3 - Group

Damsels no longer in distress

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Group 1
The problem with Disney

Each group is in charge of one document. Watch it and
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During the press tour for her latest film The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, British actress Keira Knightley explains which Disney movies her 3-year-old daughter is or isn't allowed to watch and why.
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Placeholder pour Keira Knightley, 2014.Keira Knightley, 2014.
Keira Knightley, 2014.
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Group 2
Queen Madalena

Each group is in charge of one document. Watch it and
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Text document

Madalena is ostensibly the evil queen, but unlike the Disney trope, she's a character who stands on her own. She doesn't exist just to be the antagonist. [...] Her ambitious nature outshines that of her spouse / kidnapper, King Richard, to the point where she begins to call the shots in the kingdom without any input from her hubby. [...] But she's still depicted as being capable of love. She's actually a complex character with complex motivations, and while she's obviously terrible, she earns sympathy.
“Why You Should Be Watching Galavant”, Michelle Villanueva, 2017.

“Why You Should Be Watching Galavant”, Michelle Villanueva, 2017.

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Group 3
Interview with Mallory Jansen

Each group is in charge of one document. Watch it and
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Mallory Jansen on Playing Evil Queen in 'Galavant'.
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Placeholder pour The wedding scene from the TV series GalavantThe wedding scene from the TV series Galavant
The wedding scene from the TV series Galavant, by Dan Fogelman, 2015. Here evil King Richard (Timothy Omundson) marries Madalena (Mallory Jansen) after kidnapping her.
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Group 4
Princess Isabella

Each group is in charge of one document. Watch it and
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Placeholder pour Princess Isabella from the series Galavant, by 
Dan Fogelman, 2015.Princess Isabella from the series Galavant, by 
Dan Fogelman, 2015.
Princess Isabella from the series Galavant, by Dan Fogelman, 2015.
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Text document

Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elisabetta -Isabella for short- is a young woman of color and heir to the kingdom of Valencia. She describes herself as “small and cute and ethnically hard to pin down.” [...] Her life is dictated by her loyalty to her family and her kingdom as she strives to save her parents from the clutches of King Richard. She's also “all about the deconstruction of the princess trope,” which isn't just lip service to feminism. She's shown as a capable fighter. She holds her own in battle. She singlehandedly tries to rouse a volunteer army (armed with pots and pitchforks) to fight in the Season 2 finale.
“Why You Should Be Watching Galavant”, Michelle Villanueva, 2017.

“Why You Should Be Watching Galavant”, Michelle Villanueva, 2017.

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Let's learn!

Spelling bee contest

  • Select five words from the chapter and get ready to spell them.
  • In groups of four, pick one word in turn and spell the word. 1 correct spelling = 1 point.
  • Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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    You are in charge of a group of documents.

    Look at the picture and the title. What do you expect to hear / read?

    1. a. Watch the video. What does she think of the films and the stories she mentions?

    2. b. Read the text. Focus on the female character, explain what her role in the TV series is.

    3. c. Watch the video. How does Madalena break away from stereotypes?

    4. d. Read the text. Focus on the female character, explain what her role in the TV series is.

    Choose three adjectives you would use to describe your female character or celebrity and justify: ambitious, shy, brave, fragile, manipulative, independent, weak, strong-willed, determined, bold, courageous, strong.

    How are female characters presented? What kind of stereotypes do they convey? Or fight against?

    Let's talk this out!
    Group work

    What are the similarities and the differences between them all?

    Which one do you prefer? Why?

    a. Explain the contrast between the female characters represented and the impact they could have on the audience.

    b. Discuss how modern adaptations change the representation of gender roles and why this matters for future generations.

    Which classic scene from a traditional fairy tale would you like to see rewritten? Why?

    Useful vocabulary
    Usually, female characters are depicted as…
    What struck me while watching / reading is…
    I would like… It would be rather interesting to...
    Afficher la correction
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    • chivalrous (adj.)
    • powerful (adj.)
    • rebellious /rɪˈbɛlɪəs/ (adj.)
    • unexpected (adj.)
    • heroine (n.)
    • narrative / story (n.)
    • plot twist (n.)
    • trope /ˈtrəʊp/ (n.)
    • be empowered (v.)
    • complain (v.)
    • expect /ɪkˈspɛkt/ (v.)
    • stand up for oneself (v.)
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    From French to English

    La traduction de « en fait »

  • Pour renforcer quelque chose qui a été dit : in fact.
  • Pour corriger une information, introduire une mauvaise nouvelle : actually. actuellement = currently

  • Ex : Madalena actually chose King Richard.
    She was in fact not interested / in love.
    She is currently the Queen.
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    Over to you!

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    Podcast it!

    Let's use what you have learnt in !
    You prepare a podcast to talk about the story of a female character in a fairy-tale-inspired series or film you have just watched.
    Explain why you consider her to be strong. Comment on the male characters around her and how they contribute to make her strong.
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