Anglais 2de

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Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Mes Pages
Unité de transition collège/lycée
1 • Generations living together
Ch. 1
Food for joy, food for ploy
Ch. 2
No future? No way!
2 • Working worlds
Ch. 3
Working in Silicon Valley
Ch. 4
STEM women rock!
3 • Neighbourhoods, cities and villages
Ch. 5
Ticket to ride
Ch. 6
South Afri...cans
Ch. A
Dreaming city stories - Digital content only
Ch. num
Diners and Pubs
4 • Representation of self and relationships with others
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Look at me now!
Ch. B
Inking the future - Digital content only
5 • Sports and society
Ch. 9
Spirit in motion
Ch. 10
Athletic scholarship
6 • Creation and arts
Ch. 11
“You see but you don’t observe!”
Ch. 12
From silent to talkie
7 • Saving the planet, designing possible futures
Ch. 13
Young voices of change
Ch. 14
Biomimicry: a sustainable solution?
Ch. num
National Parks
8 • The past in the present
Ch. 15
Twisted tales
Ch. 16
The Royals
Ch. num
The Royals 2.0 "Family Business"
Ch. D
All Hallows' Eve - Digital content only
Ch. num
Spooky Scotland
Fiches méthode
Ch. 18
Précis culturel
Ch. 19
Précis de communication
Ch. 20
Précis phonologique
Ch. 21
Précis grammatical
Verbes irréguliers
Unit 6
Final project

Creation and arts

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The scenario

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For centuries, artists have been inspired by other works of art. That's the reason why the Happy Museum of Modern Art decided to organise an exhibition entitled “Arts: Copying or Denouncing?”.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Get ready!
  • Turn to the previous pages to revise and make sure you are ready for the task.
  • Read the assessment grid of your project.
  • Make a list of the useful vocabulary you might need.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Let's do it!

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Option 1
Exhibition review

You are a journalist attending the “Arts : Copying or Denouncing?” exhibition. Write a review of the exhibition.
Placeholder pour BanksyBanksy
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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  • Take another look at the works of art and read the articles in this unit.

  • Prepare and organize your arguments.
  • Méthode Je m'exprime à l'écrit p. 242

  • Write your review (150-180 words).
  • Present the different works of art in the exhibition.
    Give an account of what you saw and how it made you feel.
    Choose the work of art that had the greatest impact on you and explain why.
    Recommend the exhibition to your readers.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Niveau 1 (A1)
Réalisation de la tâche

Cohérence / organisation

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Niveau 2 (A2)
Réalisation de la tâche

Cohérence / organisation

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Niveau 3 (B1)
Réalisation de la tâche

Cohérence / organisation

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Vers B2
Réalisation de la tâche

Cohérence / organisation

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Option 2
Organize the exhibition

> You are the curators of the “Arts: Copying or Denouncing?” exhibition. Organise this exhibition, present it and its promotional poster to the director.
Placeholder pour GalleryGallery
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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  • Form a group of 4-5 classmates. Take another look at the works of art in this unit. Each of you chooses one work of art either from the unit or another of your choice. Get ready to present and defend your work of art.

  • Prepare and organize your arguments to present the exhibition and the work of art.
  • Méthode Je m'exprime à l'oral p. 240

  • Discuss with the other curators of your group to agree on the organisation of the exhibition and the work of art to be displayed on the poster of the exhibition.

  • You should agree on:
  • The overview of the exhibition.
    The work of art you selected as a group for the poster (you must be able to say what it is trying to say or denounce, if it reaches its goal or not and why).

  • You should be ready to present your choice in front of the Director of the Museum.
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Niveau 1 (A1)
Réalisation de la tâche

Interaction orale

Prononciation / fluidité

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Niveau 2 (A2)
Réalisation de la tâche

Interaction orale

Prononciation / fluidité

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Niveau 1 (A1)
Réalisation de la tâche

Interaction orale

Prononciation / fluidité

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Vers B2
Réalisation de la tâche

Interaction orale

Prononciation / fluidité

Recevabilité linguistique

Contenus culturels
Afficher la correction
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
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Digital challenge

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Alternative project

You participate in the digital art challenge “Copying or Denouncing?”. Select your own iconic work of art and revisit it to denounce a cause close to your heart. You must use digital devices either to create it or to present it. Present it and explain your message. Méthode Je m'exprime à l'oral
Ressource affichée de l'autre côté.
Faites défiler pour voir la suite.

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