You are in charge of one document.
a. What is the role of each character? What are
they doing?
b. What is different or similar in the painting
and its remake?
c. What does the artist change when revisiting
Rockwell's art?
a. What is the artist's message? What does the
artist denounce?
b. Do you find it effective?
The first thing that comes
to mind is…
As soon as I saw these paintings I thought…
What's really different between the two is…
Let's talk this out!
Share your findings and learn about the other documents.
Compare the message in the different paintings.
There are more than fifty years between these
paintings. What has changed for artists?
How does each of these documents make you feel?
Which one do you prefer? Why?
In your own words, summarise the artist's reason for
revisiting art.
Compared to Rockwell's intention...
For the last fifty years… He / she would like people to…
A half century separates the two paintings…
Her / his reason for revisiting another artist is…