below. With the photo and the note, rephrase it and find examples.
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cautious /ˈkɔːʃəs/ / careful (adj.)
injured /ˈɪndʒəd/ (adj.)
fugitive (n.)
hide / conceal (v.)
lean on / bend down (v.)
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Let's learn!
Phonology challenge
Select a sound (like /εɪ/ as in
“slave”, or /iː/ as in “green”).
In pairs, pick all the words from the
mind map containing this sound.
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Idiom of the week!
Sold down the river
In the 19th
century, a male slave could be “sold
down the river”, as a punishment. He was
sold at auction to go and work in a cotton
plantation along the southern part of the Mississippi River. Not
only was he uprooted from his family, but he
also risked his life working in harsh conditions
with often cruel overseers. Today, it would
rather mean “be betrayed” or “punished”.
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Slavery, still from
the film Queimada,
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Brainstorming question
What was the
Underground Railroad?
Who were the people
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Runaway slaves
Runaway slaves
abolitionist (n.)
bounty /ˈbaʊntɪ/ hunters (n.)
emancipated slave (n.)
freedom seeker (n.)
overseer (n.) → the person
who watches the slaves
Quaker (n.)
slave holder (n.)
slave state / free state (exp.)
auction market (n.) → place where
slaves were bought and sold
confederacy / Union (n.)
cotton fields / plantations (n.)
new territories (in the West) (n.)
shelter / safe place (n.)
abused (adj.)
beaten / lynched (adj.)
enchained (adj.)
exploited (adj.)
locked (adj.)
overworked (adj.)
tortured (adj.)
undernourished (adj.)
whipped /wɪpt/ (adj.)
caught /ˈkɔːt/ (adj.)
convicted (adj.) → guilty of a crime
fined /ˈfaɪnd/ (adj.) → condemned
to pay money for an offense
jailed / imprisoned (adj.)
risky (adj.)
rifle /ˈraɪfəl/ / gun (n.)
dedicated (adj.)
outraged /ˈaʊtrεɪdʒd/ (adj.)
relieved /rɪˈliːvd/ (adj.)
struck by fear (adj.)
care for (v.)
commit oneself to (v.)
on the run (exp.)
advocate / defender (n.)
/ˌklænˈdɛstɪn/ (n.)
get away / escape (v.)
runaway (n.) → run away (v.)
safe (adj.) → safety (n.)
rely/rɪˈlaɪ/ on (v.)
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Over to you!
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Step 1
Write an encoded song.
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Step 3
Pay a tribute to
a member of the
Underground Railroad.
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